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Beachborough Park - Hospital
Two miles from the Sandling Camps, the hospital was operated and maintained by the Canadian War Contingents Association and opened in October 1914. An offer was made to the Army Council, through Queen Mary to maintain a hospital in connection with Shorncliffe Camp. Her Majesty has always taken a keen interest in the care of the wounded. The offer was accepted and the house and grounds at Beachborough Park were lent by the late Sir Arthur Markham MP. The officers, matrons, nurses and V.A.D's were all Canadians. About 3,000 soldiers passed through the wards with only 30 deaths. Beachborough was the only Canadian hospital in the United Kingdom supported by voluntary funds and open to all the wounded soldiers of His Majesty's Dominions. The Hospital closed in early 1919.'
Beachborough Park Military Hospital
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